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Brand Tracking

Brand Tracking

Ignite Research launch Brand Pulse™ Brand Tracking Solution. Click Here For More Details or scan the QR Code below

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You have developed a new brand or marketing strategy, launched a new product, or gone to air with a new advertising campaign. Or you might just want to keep tabs on your existing strategy. In any case, you want your target audience to be aware of you, think about you in a particular way, or motivate some action (e.g. to use, buy, refer, register).

Our brand tracking will let you know, over time, whether your strategy(ies) and communications are having the desired impacts in the market. And by integrating our regular survey capability with our retail point-of-sale experience via in-store observation, intercept interviews and real-time mobile survey feedback from customers, we will provide you with a more complete understanding of the effectiveness of your brand strategy and marketing executions.

By understanding this you will be more informed about where you are positioned in the market and how you can manage your brand. You will be able to use this knowledge to guide future development (e.g. fine-tuning of messages, media strategy, POS presence, etc).

Questions we can answer:

  • Is our advertising "cutting through" to our target audience? Is it being remembered?
  • How well is it branded? Do people recognise our name?
  • What messages are they taking out from what they have seen or heard? Are they on-strategy?
  • Do people like our ads? How relevant is the message? Do they relate to the character? Do they feel involved in the ad? Do they feel persuaded to act?
  • What is the propensity to buy or seek out our offer? Is this increasing?
  • What sort of relationship do our customers have with us?
  • What is our brand positioning? Is it developing in the areas we want it to?
  • What role do service staff and self service technologies in delivering on the brand promise?
  • To what extent are they influencing attitudes or driving behavior?
  • What is the overall health of our brand versus competitors?